“Ur choice” A Success Story And More

Ur choice” is an online business for handmade earrings owned by Ranine Bou Chebel. She’s a young Lebanese lady who is passionate about life and “Beit-Chabeb”, her hometown.

Driven by her curiosity about her hometown’s history, she started a successful Instagram page, “Discover Beit Chabeb”, on which she shared her discoveries, highlighting the traditional houses, the old heritage crafts, and the beauty of nature.

The traditional artisans of her hometown inspired her to start her own business, “Ur choice”, a place for whoever appreciates art, beauty, love, and authenticity.

Ranine’s unique and original designs captured people’s attention; right from the start she gained her clients’ recognition and admiration.

Handmade earrings by Ranine Bou Chebel

After around one year of successfully starting her business, she started to experience “the dip”.

The dip is a term Seth Godin uses in his book, “The dip: a little book that teaches you when to quit and when to stick.”

Graph from “The Dip” by Seth Godin

At the beginning of a new project, one is full of energy, enthusiasm, and fun. It’s the phase during which you’re happy to share your work with others. The feedback you get boosts you with the energy you need to keep going, and then — the dip happens.

In the case of learning a new skill, the dip is the period in which you’re no longer a beginner but not yet an expert.

In the case of Ranine, the dip came after one year of successfully starting her business. She began to doubt her choice; should she quit? Go back to her old job? Social media is changing, and she doesn’t know what to post anymore. Should she go back to university and specialize in marketing?

She was stressed, and her doubts blocked her creativity until she enrolled in the “unlock your creativity coaching program.”

Creativity is a power waiting to be unleashed.

I helped her visualize her goal as vividly as possible. She realized that her choice was right. The business she started is good for her.

She defined her values and figured out that “Ur choice” is aligned with them. Together, we found her purpose in life and how she can use her work and art to serve her higher purpose. 

Without any other techniques, her creativity slowly started to be unleashed. I watched her regain her sense of discovery, going through social media, experimenting with new options and, most of all, using her skills in photography and design to create something new. 

That Christmas season was indeed holy.

Ranine started to embody her purpose in everything she did. Her authenticity and humour were so inviting that she was the only stand during a Christmas fair where people waited to purchase her lovely and unique earrings. 

She had a sense of fulfilment that became more than just motivation. She realized that it was time to push harder and not quit. 

I loved seeing her succeed; she also became my first success story with unlock your creativity program. 

Ranine Bou Chebel, owner of “Ur Choice” for handmade earrings.

At the end of the program:

– Ranine gained more self-confidence.

– She found her purpose and understood “why” she was doing her business. 

– She learnt how to set a social media strategy and advertise her business. 

– She started to communicate online and offline with more love and authenticity. 

– She became more creative and confidently identified herself as an artist. 

I invite you to check Ranine’s newest collection and support her.

And if you can relate to the problems Ranine was facing and would love me to help you solve them, contact me at [email protected] or send me a message on my Instagram profile

Ninette Abi Atallah – Leading with love to inspire change

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