Daily reminder: Slow down and enjoy the process

Week #3

I want it to be done, and I want it to be now!

We all want to be successful, yet being successful is different for each person. The media and Hollywood movies brainwashed us into believing that being successful is a synonym for fame, wealth, and beauty, yet this isn’t the only definition for everyone. 

In the “Multi-Hyphen Method: Work Less, create more and design a career that works for you”, Gannon invites us to write our definition of success based on our wants, needs, and desires. 

We often assume others’ needs based on what society dictates, but we forget the uniqueness of people. It’s time to accept and respect peoples’ choices and privacy in life without interfering and giving opinions and advice without being asked. 

A journalist once asked an entrepreneur: “how do you find the balance between your life and work so you could prepare yourself to have kids?” 

The entrepreneur replied: “Who told you I want to have kids?”

“The fairy tales of how life is ‘supposed to be going’ will fuck up your life. You don’t have to go to university at 18, get a job at 21, buy a house at 30, get married at 35, and have kids at 36. Everyone is completely different, too.”

– Happy sexy Millionaire, unexpected truths about fulfilment, love, and success.

The Caterpillar that died because of the help it didn’t ask for

JK Rowling, the famous writer of Harry Potter, was once a poor unemployed, and depressed single parent who found in writing a way to heal her suffering after the death of her mother. Dozens of publishers rejected her best-seller book before it came to light by a small publishing house. 

In the “Leader Who Had No Title” book, there’s a story about a man who saw a pupa, which is the transition stage in which the caterpillar is fully grown and stops eating. The man took out a knife from his pocket and cut the cocoon to help her get out. The caterpillar died. 

Gibran Khalil Gibran says that out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls. The book that JK Rowling wrote came out of her suffering. The caterpillar became a butterfly after it endured the sufferings it needed to do so. That is a great metaphor for what enjoying the process is. Even though the process shouldn’t be all about suffering, we can also and should enjoy the present moment, which can be a pleasurable one. 

The process might not be easy, it might be difficult, yet that’s where the joy derives. With every challenge, we learn something new and we grow into beautiful butterflies. 

Life is continuous, one thing leads to another, life is an expansion and we’re the caterpillar that keeps becoming a butterfly not only once but many times during our lifetime.

We all want to be successful, yet being successful is different for each person. The media and Hollywood movies brainwashed us into believing that being successful is a synonym for fame, wealth, and beauty, yet this isn’t the only definition for everyone.

Slow down, enjoy the process

 “Slow down, enjoy the process.” This is my daily reminder to take things slowly and accomplish each task at a time while enjoying the progress.

A pregnant woman knows that for her baby to come out to life complete and healthy, the baby needs 9 months in her womb. She doesn’t wake up every day asking her baby to grow fast, for she knows that even if she can’t hold them between her hands yet, they exist and she is their mom. 

Taking care of herself and enjoying the process and watching her belly expand each month is a joy. 

In Atomic Habits, James Clear states: “success is the product of daily habits-not-once-in-a-life time transformations”

Writing a book, working on a project, and building a career take time. The ultimate result isn’t the only thing to celebrate. Let’s celebrate the daily progress we do each day while moving toward the result. Let’s be happy with each word we add to our writings; the actions we take daily because we’re getting a step closer. 

Are you enjoying the process? Are you celebrating the progress? If not, then what are you waiting for? 

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Ninette Abi Atallah 

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