“Nafsaniyoun” and their second book exhibition is a message of hope

“لآخر نفس” [ Until the last breath] is the name of the second book exhibition held by Nafsaniyoun at the Sunflower Theatre in Tayyouneh.

The book exhibition is on the 25th  and 26th of October from 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm. It is rich in the variety of books and seminars happening in parallel in the theatre.

On the first day, a book signing for “أهم الاستراتيجيات المعرفية في تعليم القراءة والكتابة للأطفال ذوي صعوبات التّعلم” [The most important cognitive strategies in teaching reading and writing to children with learning disabilities] written by Dr. Nahida Khalil happened followed by a talk presented by the professor Abbas Makki about “Family dynamics in the current labyrinths of Lebanese institutions.”

In addition to a discussion with Dr. Marleine El Haddad about her newly released book “التحليل النفسي العصبي [neuropsychoanalysis]. The evening closure was with “wellbeing with music” presented by Dr. Lina Riachi Haddad.

The exhibition continues today with more exciting activities and talks.

 “La akher nafass” held by Nafsaniyoun is more than an exhibition; it’s a message of hope. 

Visit Nafsaniyoun Facebook page for more details.

Ninette Abi Atallah

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